Well, that flew by! 2016 has certainly been an interesting year, some would say painful – celebrity departures, Brexit, Trump – and many of us are champing at the bit to welcome in 2017. But…
Here at Maroon Balloon HQ it’s been a busy and productive 12 months, with some fantastic new clients added to our ever-growing list and numerous exciting projects completed. As ever, we’re very proud of these. Our social media profiles grew as the year progressed, with the odd notable new follower (we’re thinking of you Siri, or rather the human that is the voice behind Apple’s “Hey, Siri…”). There was also lots of healthy interaction and networking in the virtual and real worlds alike.
More importantly it’s been a fun year – you’ve got to enjoy what you do, right? We’re looking forward to more of the same next year with some exciting jobs already in the pipeline. We’ll keep you posted on news, projects and general Maroon Balloon updates right here as best we can, inbetween the frantic bouts of keyboard-bashing and mouse-clicking.
So, as we approach the final week of the year, we’d like wish all our followers, friends and clients (many of you are all three!) a happy festive period whatever you’re doing, and a peaceful and prosperous 2017. Enjoy your well earned break and don’t forget the chocolate! See you on the other side…