What will 2023 bring for you? Some ideas…

By 23 December 2022HQ, News, Web design
Web design studio christmas tree

So that’s another year almost done and dusted. As ever it’s been a busy one that’s flown by, not without its challenges with some tough major UK and global news events.

Here at Maroon Balloon HQ in West Sussex we’ve spent the last 12 months quietly supporting and maintaining our ever-growing list of websites and building various new ones. We’ll even be squeezing in another two e-commerce website launches before the year is out. They say variety is the spice of life and from our perspective we can’t disagree; recent projects have been as varied as ever and we love that.

Recently we moved office, to a fantastic, characterful old barn building in central Chichester, which we’ll be sharing some historical facts about via our social media channels in the new year. We still feel this is best creative studio space in town!

As we approach the festive season we wish all our clients, partners and friends a relaxing mid-winter break and a healthy and prosperous 2023. January can be a tricky one to get through, so if you’re stuck for ideas for fresh or inspiring things to do in the new year why not check out some of our newer clients’ offerings?

If you do choose any of these please do let us know how it goes – we’d love to hear your feedback! And of course, if you need a website refresh or new build in the coming months, we’d be happy to help.

See you all in ’23.